I’m confident the first wonder may be…where have you been Monique? What’s up with the lack of blog posts? but There have been so many delicious moments this year, I have to admit: it has not been for lack of content. It has been for lack of time.
Well, at least, lack of prioritizing this time.
In my faith community, we recognize time as a construct created for us, and not just working against us. It is a resource that though seemingly scare, we can create more of. How? By living in abundance. We create more time when we pray, we create more time when we ask God to help us discern the times and the seasons (as my pastor often says),and we create more time when we chose to slow down. It does not always feel that way. The rush and the hustle of the work may make us feel like the opposite. Slowing down, then, can feel like you are wasting time, but I a reminded today, that by faith, that is simply not true.
As I pause to personally celebrate and honor this season of wonder, I am yet mesmerized by what God allowed this small ministry to accomplish in 2023 partially because it was filled with lots of firsts. Taking time to reflect on what happened forces me to see His glory. It allows me to enter into His presence with the understanding that this work, when ceded to Him, becomes His work, and with God all things are possible. It makes me feel like though I cannot do it all, I do not have to. I have access to divine help including a wonderful team of co-laborers in my board of directors, teammates, volunteers, consultants, funders, donors, and residents.
That said, I want to dedicate this blog post to the wonder that happens in reflection. It is because of the babe who we honor in my faith tradition as not only the King and the Lamb, but also, the Prince of Peace and Wonderful Counselor. It was Him who guided us along this journey, and Him who deserves the glory if even a bit of it was good.
Please consider this your wrap up and recap cap of what was missed…
2023 Wonderful Recap
The City of St. Louis unanimously approved the weCollab West End/Visitation Park Resident-Led Reinvestment Plan, one of the first-ever completely resident-led reinvestment plans for a neighborhood, after four years of residents’ tireless work and true leadership. In addition, Cornerstone CDC received our very first industry recognition alongside residents for leading the engagement effort, accepting the global 2023 Charter Merit Award from the Congress of the New Urbanism. What's more, we have continued to focus on our primary approach to poverty alleviation: providing affordable rental housing, where we completed seven (7) partial renovations to keep our rentals both affordable and beautiful for our working families. We have also built new capacity to thrive, expanding to a team of six (including two full-time AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers). We were also awarded our first set of federal grants, one of which will be used to turn an abandoned building into a new office space that will serve as a community hub for the resident-led work and a clubhouse for our apartment residents. Finally, we have launched our first economic empowerment program in partnership St. Louis Community Credit Union, "In the Black" Fellows. Whew!
I am glad to have taken the time before I start my sabbath vacation to reflect on what God did with your help.
Because of that we also carry a depth of gratitude for the ways God has used you all as supporters to love on the West End. You each have affirmed our residents' dignity with your support, love, treasure, and time and we are grateful for how you have created time for us in abundance.
On Behalf of Cornerstone CDC...
Remember the Wonder and Enjoy the Pause,