Donate Today

Every person deserves access to affordable housing. Every neighborhood should enjoy stability and safety.

how to donate

Your gifts make a difference.

Online gifts are welcome through our Stripe account, but we also are happy to accept checks.

Please make checks payable to “Cornerstone Corporation,” and mail directly to 6026 Etzel Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63112.

We also accept the gift of stock, securities can be transferred directly to Fidelity Investments, our broker, through DTC: 0226 under the account name “Cornerstone Corporation” and account number Z04-098418.

Fidelity Investments
Attn: TOA Receives
PO Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0036


Cornerstone takes its stewardship of financial resources seriously. All resources and donations are allocated exclusively to  our mission.  

To learn how funding is used or to request a copy of our bylaws and policies regarding financial security, contact us today.

  • Federal EIN: 43-1108915

  • IRS-990 Tax Return, click here