Ms. Valerie, longtime resident of Cornerstone Corporation
Cornerstone CDC is a West End, Christian Community Development Corporation (nonprofit)
we believe in Healing-Centered Community Development and see equitable affordable housing as a first critical step toward poverty alleviation.
Funding Partners
Our past
Cornerstone began in 1976 as a “mercy ministry,” focused on housing when 70 families and individuals from a local church decided to move into the Skinker-DeBaliviere and West End neighborhoods. Today, Cornerstone CDC provides 38 units of affordable housing to families in need while providing administrative support and technical assistance for residents leading the West End Neighborhood plan.
Cornerstone is an Institutional member of the Community Builder’s Network.
Our why
In 2021, the St. Louis Affordable Housing Trust Fund Coalition issued the St. Louis Affordable Housing Report Card in which the region failed on cost burden measures for residents who are Black, rent, and earn the least money. For every 10 people with annual incomes below $20,000 looking for an apartment, only five affordable units were available. Cornerstone CDC stands as one of the few institutions in the region that intentionally meets the need for those with the least – 40 percent of whom are headed by single Black women and 65 percent of whom comprise our entire resident population.
Our Mission
Cornerstone Corporation is a Christian Community Development Corporation that provides an equitable opportunity for quality, affordable housing to those who would not otherwise have it; empowers constituents to grow their capacity to achieve their life goals with dignity; and collaborates with others for community driven development of the West End neighborhood.
Our Vision
A West End community where every person has a voice, support, and the opportunity to realize their life goals with dignity.
our operating principles
Every decision is vetted through our Cornerstone Operating Principles. Each is scripturally based to reflect our Holy mandate to love and respect every soul.
Our Financials
Cornerstone takes its stewardship of financial resources seriously. All resources and donations are allocated exclusively to our mission.
To learn how funding is used or to request a copy of our bylaws and policies regarding financial security, contact us today.
Federal EIN: 43-1108915
IRS-990 Tax Return: 2020: click here, 2021: click here, 2022: click here, 2023: click here
In recognition of our commitment to transparency, Cornerstone CDC has earned a Platinum Transparency Seal from Candid (also known as Guidestar).
Our work featured and spotlighted
congratulations to monique thomas, executive director (2/2025)
christian community development association (CCDA) highlights our racial equity approach in national blog, 1/21/25
Monique Thomas, Executive Director, and Dr. Jeremy Moore, Board Chair following the presentation to CCDA in Portland, OR in 2024.
Cornerstone Featured on NPR St. Louis On the Air 4/4/24
Cornerstone featured on news 4 cover story
Cornerstone featured on news 4 Great day!
Cornerstone CDC was so honored to represent community development while the St. Louis Community Foundation showcased the diverse giving opportunities available during tomorrow's Give STL Day 2023.
Cornerstone featured in stlmag!
The goal for Cornerstone is to keep rehabbing and eventually have enough housing to serve 50 families. For now, the house on Suburban serves as the proof of concept. “Even though it’s a smaller project in scale,” Thomas says, “it’s meaningful for us.”